Labels:book | reckoner | sky OCR: spells can heal as many hit points in situation But such diverse party hours as a party without a consc ious needs much larger number ot experi cleric could heal in many days of rest ence points to get higher levels Party Makeup Generalist Party: Dwarven Fighter/ Thief One strategy is to create a party of spe Half Elven Fighter/Cleric, Elven cialists who go up in levels with the Fighter Mage Half Elven Cleric /Mage fewest number of experience points A further strategy is to have a mixed This party works so long as the warriors party with specialist warriors in the front in the front rank never let the spellcast- rank and generalist spellcasters in the ers the rear rank get into melee rear rank This strategy makes sure that Specialist Party: Dwarven Fighter the fighters gain levels (and hit ...